Canoe Potluck Dinner on the Charles - Sep 4, 2009

What a way to end the summer! Canoeing up, or down, the Charles River and stopping for a potluck dinner along the way.

Bring your favorite dish and share it with others while all boats are tied together. We will meet at 6 pm in Newton for paddling and eating. Sunset is at 7:13, so everyone must have a headlamp because we will be padding in the dusk to the sunset. Fee included canoe rental and eating plates and utensils.

September 4th is a Friday, so come join us for an evening of relaxation and a fabulous dinner!

Maps and Books on Canoeing the Charles

Map of the Charles River Lakes District of Waltham and Newton
The Charles River, Exploring Nature and History on Foot and by Canoe
Canoeing the Charles: Images and Field Notes from 1902-1912

Planned Vacations, What a Concept !

Sure, there are maps and tour guides and the Chamber of Commerce, but wouldn't it be nice if we had trips already planned and we knew what we wanted to do at those locations by others recommendations. I have been leading vacation trips with OutsideNE and the Appalachian Mountain Club for over ten years.
Hiking the E4 Trail in Crete

Rockland Maine

Hope you are able to go on one of these trips and add some information! Happy Vacations and Weekends!

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